Bidding symbols explained

Next to each advertised property, you will see symbols that indicate some of the property features.


  This property has a garden           



 This property has a communal garden



   This is a sheltered property



 This property has a lift



 Pets are allowed at this property 



 No pets allowed at this property



 Off Road Parking is available at the property




     The maximum or minimum age that an applicant must be to apply for the property.


       A1 Adapted/adaptable property – non wheelchair accessible. 

Will typically include level access shower, space for stairlift, shallow steps. Those with an need for this type of accommodation will be prioritised above those without a need for this type of accommodation. At registration we will inform you if you have been assessed as requiring this type of property. 



       A2 Wheelchair adapted/adaptable property. 

Only those with a need for this type of accommodation will be able to bid for these properties. At registration we will inform you if you have been assessed as requiring this type of property.