Bidding/registering your interest for available social housing
Each week, available properties will be advertised at
If you qualify for inclusion on our register, you can place bids on available properties between 00.01AM on a Wednesday and 11.59PM on a Sunday. You be able to enter up to 3 bids each week if there are properties available.
You will need your Application Number and PIN to enter a bid, which will be provided to you by the Council.
You can bid in the following ways:
- On the website, by logging in at
- By telephone, on 0845 230 3405 and following the instructions
If you need any help with bidding or would like someone else to bid on your behalf, you should let us know when you first apply, tell your support or social worker (if you have one) and they may be able to do this for you or, contact the Housing Team on 01702 215002
Bidding cycle
Wednesday 00:01hrs - Bidding cycle starts
Wednesday 00:01 - Sunday 23:59 - place bids. Priority is not awarded on a first come first serve basis and your queue position will change as more people place bids.
When you are looking at property adverts it is important to read the Further Information and "Show all details" section as this will state criteria which may make you ineligible for this property e.g. age / household size. Also, some Housing Associations who advertise through the scheme have differing criteria for who is eligible to move into their properties. If you have any questions about this information please contact us to discuss.
If you log in and see a message that you are not eligible for any properties, this is specific for that cycle only and is because there are no properties available that are the size you require. There is nothing wrong with your application. To check this, you can search for all properties, where you will be able to see the bedroom size of those being advertised.
If you bid for a property, you are confirming that your circumstances are the same as when we gave you your Band of priority.
Sunday 23:59 - Bidding cycle ends
No more properties will be advertised until Wednesday.
Monday/Tuesday - Shortlisting takes place
Shortlists are verified using an applicants band, effective date, mobility need and any other eligibility/priority criteria set for the advert
If you have placed a bid and are shortlisted, but we are unable to make contact with you within 24 hours of the bidding cycle closing, you may be skipped and lose out on an offer. You must ensure your contact details are up to date - if you do not have a telephone number yourself, then please provide one for someone who can contact you immediately.
Ongoing - Verification of application
We will verify your circumstances with you to check your eligibility
Within 7 - 10 days of shortlisting - Property viewing
Those highest on the shortlist will be invited to view the property. This may be one at a time or as a group. The property will be offered to the applicant with the highest elevel of priority. If they turn it down, it will be offered to the second highest applicant on the shortlist. If no one on the shortlist accepts the property, it will be re-advertised.
Final verification and sign up
We will verifiy your circumstances, documentation and eligibility before allowing a property to be allocated to you.
If any of your circumstances have changed you may not be eligible for an offer. If you accept an offer with different circumstances to those you have told us, you may risk losing your tenancy.
Your new social landlord will provide you with all relevant information regarding your property, tenancy agreement and conditions